Holding Mr Badge International

Eurovision Song Contest

The Badge Group was the official merchandising partner of the EBU, the European Broadcasting Union.  The EBU is the partner of all official state broadcasters such as the NOS, BBC, BRT, ARD.  The EBU provides programming such as the Olympics, European Championships and World Cups in football.  There are two events which are also organized by the EBU and broadcast more than 100 countries: the Eurovision Song Festival and the New Year concert in Vienna.
Badge was responsible for the last ten years for the development, production and distribution of the merchandising surrounding the annual Eurovision Song Contest with events in Turkey, Ukraine, Athens, Helsinki, Belgrade, Moscow, Oslo and Dusseldorf, Baku and Malmo (2013).  Some 40 countries have participated and the viewership for the contest is estimated at 200 million people.
Badge supplied products to:

  • the retail trade in the organizing country,
  • eurovisionshop.tv, servicing consumers in some 120 countries worldwide
  • the sponsors/broadcasters participating
  • on-site vending in the city and events in and around the stadium/event hall.

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